"Thank you, Ellen, for the work that you do and for sharing your
knowledge with others. I have learned so much just from reading the
'Rules' about what I need to do in my life." A. R.
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Would you like to HEAL Your Life?
Better still, would you like to UNDERSTAND Your Life?
Best of all, would you like to MASTER Your Life?
If so, you have found the most useful information that you could ever
These time tested "Rules of the House"
are an Owner's Manual for Your Life to help you on your journey
through the universe!
How Can the "Rules of
the House" Help You to Be Healthy, Wealthy, and Happy?
"Rules of the House: Answers to Life's Questions" is a
treasure trove of channeled information about how the universe
works presented as "rules" that are simple and easy to understand.
If you are tired of "your karma running over your dogma" and want
to stop reaping "bad" karma and
to start living "good" karma, then
this is everything you need to know to be the
master of karma... instead of its
"I love your Rule #1 and if every student in the world was given a
copy of it when they started high school/college I believe there would
be more love and understanding among the human race. That is that we
are here to help one another to evolve. Keep up the great work!" C. P.
Here are the "Rules of the House"
to Help You HEAL Your Life!
PART ONE: Healing Your Life...
You CAN Heal Your Life!
When you are in pain... you simply wish to end the pain...
and heal your life... here's how!
The FIRST Rules of the House
* 12 Sacred Rights: "We Hold These Truths to be Self Evident"
* Learning to Love the Self: "The Greatest Love of All"
* Learning to Love Others: "For Love & Love Alone"
* Becoming a CoWorker With God: "Why We Are Here"
Rules about Healing, Illness, and Recovery
* Rules for Healing: What You Need to Know If You Truly Want to Heal
* Rules for Illness: What You Need to Know If You are Ill
* Rules for Recovery: You Must Understand: Getting Better is Being Better
* "Going to Hell in a Handbasket": By Violating the Rules of Healing
* Secret's Out: Spiritual Reasons for the Top 10 Leading Causes of Death
Rules about Past Life Healing
* Top Ten Indicators of SERIOUS Past Life Problems
* A Prison Without Walls: Your Body as an Agent of Free Will & Karma
* It's Not in Your Stars But in Your Cells: How Cellular Memory Works
* "Towing the Iceberg": How Past Life Resonance Works
* Rules for Past Life Healing: Settling Accounts in True Coin
"I bought the 'Rules of the House' eBook and signed the Guest Book
as soon as I realized there was one. So far, many times, the book seems
to be written just for me, it's so on target. I'm using it like a
workbook! Thanks!" B. G.
Here are the "Rules of the House"
to Help You UNDERSTAND Your Life!
PART TWO: Understanding Your Life
You CAN Understand Your Life!
When you have healed your life... you long to understand
more closely... here's how!
Rules of the House about Past Life Karma
* How to Live a Karma-Free Life: The "Reduce-Your-Daily-Karma" Diet
* Your Karma Ran Over Your Dogma: What Karma is & How it Works
* Top Ten Causes of Past Life Carry Overs into the Present Life
* "Walking the Minefield": Past Life Karma & Childhood
* Who is the I That is Me?: Evidence of Adult Past Life Reversion
Rules of the House about Reincarnation
* You'll Be Back: The Principles of Reincarnation
* "Hardwired into the Human Consciousness": Reincarnation Skepticism
* "Inbetween Times": The Rules of Life Between Lives
* "You Asked For It, You Got It": The Rules of Life Contracts
* Living the Way of Dharma in Coworkership with God
"Evidence"... The Truth is Out There
* Life Goes On and On: Evidence of the Continuation of Life After Death
* Hide in Plain Sight: Evidence of Past Lives in Everyday Life
* Untangling the Web: Unique Qualities of Past Life Memories
* Living Another Life: Unique Qualities of Past Life Dreams
* Smoke & Mirrors: Top Ten Myths Against Past Life Exploration
* "Empiricism vs Stubbornness": Debunking the Reincarnation Debunkers
"Hey Ellen! I've been perusing 'The Rules of the House' and would like
to commend you on the work you've done. Good stuff. I can no
longer use that old statement - 'You only live once' - in good conscience.
Thanks for helping me to see the light." B. B.
Here are the "Rules of the House"
to Help You MASTER Your Life!
PART THREE: Mastering Your Life
You CAN Master Your Life!
When you have understood your life... you long to become
"master of your domain"... here's how!
Advancing Along the Spiritual Path
* For Spiritual Beings Having a Human Experience: Rules for Being Human
* How Your Body-Mind-Spirit Works: Take Time to Save Your Life
* Hallmarks of the Spiritually Advanced Being: See How You Measure Up
* Hallmarks of the Spiritually Lazy: See How You Measure Up
* Top Ten Things Your Higher Self WANTS You to KNOW
"Problems" Along the Spiritual Path
* Rules for Discerning "Spirit-based" vs "Ego-based" Guidance
* "Beginning All Over Again": Managing Change and Transition
* Wheels Within Wheels: Astrology, Karma, & Arts of Divination
* Are You Really Someone Else? How to Know if You are a "Walk-In"
* "Waking Up is Hard to Do": The Soul's Journey of Awakening
* The Soul's Journey: Inside "The Dark Night of Soul"
Being Master of the Domain Known as Your Life
* Rules for Spiritually Based Intimate Relationships
* "Finding Selves Unimaginably Mine": Soulmates, Twin Flames, & Basherts
* Numbers as Building Blocks of the Universe: Knowing the "Secret Code"
* The Root of All Accomplishment: The Spiritual Energy of Money
* Let Everything Be Your Signature: Doing God's Work
FREE BONUSES: Yours to keep for trying "Rules of the House"!
So what is this eBook worth to you? Before you decide, consider that
you will receive these very valuable FREE bonuses... which are yours to keep.
FREE Bonuses... YOURS to Keep!... A $50 Value
Bonus #1: (Value $20) Quick Spirit Based Holistic Cures!
Get on the path of natural healing with natural cures that have stood the
test of time. Be well... remember that a focus on wellness prevents illness!
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If you want to lose weight and to keep it off - forever, unstressed, naturally -
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Bonus #3: (Value $18) "Clear Your Karma"
Get off the path of karma so you can attract more health! When you are tangled
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My G U A R A N T E E for this "Rules of the House" eBook!
I have used this "Rules of the House" in my healing work every
day for many years. I hope it will help make your journey along the
long and winding road of the universe a safe and successful one. They
have helped countless people all around the world.
I am so sure that this eBook will help you, that I offer a
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If this eBook does not deliver on everything it promises or
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In Love and Light With Best Wishes for Your Health,

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