Past Life Channeling-Healing
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For Quick Access to This Service: Short Description Short Description: Clearing and Healing Past Life Blockages via Channeling Type: Alternative Healing Modality (primarily Counseling) Performed: Remotely Background: If you are not experiencing the abundance of love, joy, and money that you would wish to have, then it is very likely that blocks from your past lives are actively interfering with your present physical, mental, or emotional well being. Many people just like you have found relief from a variety of diseases and disorders once the underlying past life problems and issues were resolved. Since 1996, Ellen has helped others heal physical problems like chronic fatigue, "untreatable" chronic pain, insomnia, obesity, and hyperactivity. She has also facilitated healing of mental and emotional issues such as life long depression, chronic anxiety, obsessive-compulsive habits, phobia, paranoia, eating disorders, relationship problems, sexual dysfunction, and chronic overspending. Helpful Information: Advance conditioning or practice (which is required for successful regression and hypnosis) is not necessary. The only preparation you need to do before the channeling session is to give careful consideration to the physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual problems and issues that you want to heal. The energetic charge in your voice as you speak your issues is what triggers the emergence of the past life information. Based upon what is revealed to us about your past lives, together we will heal the unconscious resonances and linkages to the past. Healing your past frees you of unwanted blocks, empowering your future. Tips & Cautions: Make sure that you are in a quiet place where you can be completely relaxed and comfortable. If you can lie down while we are on the phone, that is the best. If you can rest right after the session, that is ideal. Always keep a bottle of water and a box of tissues on hand. Often the information revealed to you will produce strong emotional reactions. Remember that you have already lived through the events that will be described to you so you have already done the hard part. You will be experiencing them as if you are watching a movie and they cannot harm you now. What can and does harm you are the fears from these past lives that are buried deep inside you. Only by shining the light of truth, knowledge, and healing on these dark places can you be freed from their influence. Past life healing allows you take control of your life instead of being controlled by "the dead hand" of the past. |
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