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Everyone seems to love "Blogs" these days!

It seems to me... that a Blog is ONLY worthwhile if it is useful. For a site as large as this one, there are many places to go... perhaps the biggest challenge is where to go FIRST. So this Blog will be a "Guided Tour": start at the bottom and work up to the top.

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Blog Entry #12: "So How Can I Heal My Life the Easy Way?"

Greatness is open to everyone! You can transcend your heredity & environment! You can tap into your personal power! The SCIENCE OF BEING GREAT contains a proven daily plan to help you become great! The best part about this... it is ABSOLUTELY F~R~E~E! For when you start stepping into your own greatness... you start stepping right past your personal karma!

Blog Entry #11: "So How Can I Live a Karma Free Life?"

Karma is simple: follow the rules and your life is good but break the rules and your life is bad. It is lots easier to follow the rules when you know what they are... So here is how to BEGIN LIVING A KARMA-FREE LIFE so that your life stays on the good side! The wheels of karma will continue to spin - around and around - until you have learned all that life has to teach you.

Blog Entry #10: "So - Seriously - What is Karma All About?"

While on Earth, you are living in the worlds of reincarnation and karma. Believe it or not, karma begins and ends with love. Here is HOW KARMA WORKS to help you grow in love, joy, and awareness through your cycle of reincarnation. Karma begins to propel you as Soul on a personal journey through the universe. Karma ends when you have perfected your ability to love.

Blog Entry #9: "So - Seriously - What is Reincarnation All About?"

Believe it or not, both karma and reincarnation begin and end with love. Here is HOW REINCARNATION WORKS to help you grow in love, joy, and awareness as you spin through karmic lessons on your journey through the universe. Until you have learned all that you need to know, you will find "the wheels of reincarnation" will continue to spin around you.

Blog Entry #8: "So What is the Benefit of Exploring Past Lives?"

Many people are intrigued by the concept of past life exploration. So how does DISCOVERING YOUR PAST LIVES get you? Well, if you follow me in my first past life journey... you will see exactly how past life exploration works! It is all about... releasing blocks (wounds & bad habits), understanding the real reasons behind your life experiences, and becoming who you really are!

Blog Entry #7: "So - Seriously - Healing is All About Energy?"

Harmony in your energy field is the source of all wellness. Blocks, disruptions, and disharmonies in your energy field are the source of all illness. UNDERSTANDING AND HEALING THE HUMAN ENERGY FIELD gives you a "crash course" in chakras, auras, inner bodies, etc. Understanding energy is the key to healing and harmonizing the human energy field for lifelong wellness!

Blog Entry #6: "So What are the 'Rules' of Life Anyway?"

The bits of of the most useful wisdom we have come across in our travels through time - the 'Rules of the House' - are all listed here in: ANSWERS TO LIFE'S QUESTIONS! This is the "karma and reincarnation" view of the world - here and hereafter! They answer the age old question... "Why are we here?" These are the most popular page on the site... judging by the web traffic!

Blog Entry #5: "So How Can I Heal My Body-Mind-Emotions for FREE?"

The result of all healing - past and present life - is feeling better in your body, mind, and emotions! You can get started healing yourself... right away... for F~R~E~E! Here is the list of all the QUICK SPIRIT BASED HOLISTIC CURES on this site! These cures are tried and true: they have helped many to heal their bodies, minds, and emotions naturally... for the last decade!

Blog Entry #4: "So How Can I Heal the Future for FREE?"

The vision of this site is... making the future better... that is the point of all healing & self improvement! You can get started healing your future... right away... for F~R~E~E! Here is the list of all the EXERCISES FOR SPIRITUAL GROWTH AND MASTERY on this site! These exercises are tried and true: they have helped many to empower their future... for the last decade!

Blog Entry #3: "So How Can I Heal the Past for FREE?"

The mission of this site is... healing past lives... hence the domain name of! You can get started healing your past lives... right away... for F~R~E~E! Here is the list of all the EXERCISES FOR HEALING YOUR PAST LIVES on this site! These exercises are tried and true: they have helped many to heal the pain of their past lives... for the last decade!

Blog Entry #2: "So How Does Past Life Healing Work?"

Although I hate the books whose titles insult me - like the "The Dummies Guide" or the "Complete Idiots Guide" - they do provide value in simplifying things. That is what the page entitled HEAL YOUR LIFE NOW BY HEALING YOUR PAST LIVES is: an easy explanation on one page that explains - I hope very simply - how past life healing can benefit you by healing your life today!

Blog Entry #1: "It All Begins and Ends With YOU!"

Ask yourself this question: "Why did you come to this site?" I will give you the answer you already know: "Because I wanted some help!" So the first step in the guided tour is the page that shows you were you can start to get some help with your healing. It is our HOW CAN WE HELP YOU?? page. It is our "easy" page... a simple guide to how we can help you... live a better life today!



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